Monday, August 31, 2009


DAMN Marc Jacobs and his ability to read my mind years before I even think the thought...

Not really a fan of that purple bag (Wal-Mart anyone??) but I love the idea of people wondering if I happen to be wearing shorts...and that jacket is pretty cool. I actually heard that Marc J. has been having some trouble lately with his latest lines and that in store they are not preforming well. It should be interesting to see how he combats this at Fashion's Night Out and of course Fashion week!!!

I feel like we're in that movie Jaws with the music playing as we all wait to see what happens this go-around for Fashion Week.... the awkward in-between lull like when having diner at your mom's new boyfriends house for the first time... esh!

While we're on this topic though, what does a bitch have to do around here to get her/his hands on a pair of these heels??

I have never really been one for the whole Cheetah print thing but I'm pretty sure even Jesus would have a hard time getting these shoes off my feet if they ever so happened to grace them.

Thats all I have for now I suppose... off to go do loads of homework my teachers have graciously given me. *sigh*

Luke Hannah Laurie

1 comment:

Brian said...

once again, fucking genius